Rock 5A - HDMI CEC Kernel Aktivierung
Geschrieben von Sebastian Kirchhoefer on 17 November 2023 11:33
Enable ROCK 5A HDMI_8K Port HDMI CEC The following content will introduce how to add the hdmi cec support by installing the kernel deb package. Download kernel packages wget wget Install kernel packages sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-5.10.110-23-rockchip_5.10.110-23-fbfc4e20e_arm64.deb sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.10.110-23-rockchip_5.10.110-23-fbfc4e20e_arm64.deb Then reboot the board. sudo reboot Check current kernel Kernel version: uname -r Confirm /proc/device-tree/hdmi@fde80000/cec-enable exist ls /proc/device-tree/hdmi@fde80000/cec-enable Connection Connect ROCK 5A HDMI_8K port to TV. Test cec function HDMI-CEC standby This step need root user for ROCK 5A. sudo su Check HDMI CEC status on ROCK 5A. cec-ctl --playback -o Rockchip -V 0xaabbcc -M -T Press the power button on the TV remote control, and then ROCK 5A terminal should appear Received from TV to all (0 to 15): STANDBY (0x36) HDMI-CEC wake up This step need root user for ROCK 5A. Turn off the TV. Run the following command to wake up TV. cec-ctl --image-view-on --to 0 TV will wake up. HDMI-CEC DPAD direction and other function keys This step need root user for ROCK 5A. Check HDMI CEC status on ROCK 5A. cec-ctl --playback -o Rockchip -V 0xaabbcc -M -T Press the TV remote control keys, like up, down, left, right, return, ENTER, etc. ROCK 5A should get corresponding printing.
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